Resin Core Dry Type Transformers

Resin core dry type transformers are becoming a popular alternative to that of Oil immersed transformers and Voltex MVLV offers dry type transformers from 50kV up to 3000kV and operating voltages up to 33kV.

Cast Resin Transformers do not emit oil or toxic gases into the atmosphere and do not pollute the environment. Resin core transformers are strongly recommended as a replacement for askarel (PCB)- filled transformers.

Maintenance is almost eliminated with dry type transformers. No checking of liquid level and no dielectric test for moisture absorption is required. Due to the smooth coil surface, heavy dirt and dust build up are eliminated. The recommended routine maintenance is an occasional visual inspection, blowout and clean.

Based on the high thermal time constant factor of the windings, dry type transformers can be overloaded for a short duration. Considerably higher than traditional oil transformers. It has a greater capability to withstand sudden high overloads such as might be encountered in heavy traction applications.

Other key features:
  • Moisture-proof
  • High impulse strength
  • No partial discharge
  • Fire resistant
  • Low noise
  • Standard: IEC 60076-11 (2004)

Oil Immersed Type Transformers

Voltex MV/LV supplies an assortment of distribution transformers, including neutral earth resistors and pole mount transformers. These distribution transformers are produced and tested in accordance with SANS 780 and IEC60076.

The transformers are custom designed to client’s requirements and specifications and range from 50kV up to 3000kV and operating voltages up to 33kV. Our transformer partners are highly skilled in transformer development and have a wealth of experience within the transformer industry. This ensures great manufacturing quality, low loss designs, low dielectric stresses, strong mechanical design, and compliance with relevant standards.

Transformers are suitable for Eskom, Commercial, Industrial and Municipal power distribution.

Power and Distribution Transformers Catalogue